My dream was to write and help people. My blog gave me the opportunity to write and my coaching business was a dream that I was searching for years. Of course, it all took a lot of time and energy and required me to be extremely patient. Even though I was ready there was still something in my mind that wasn’t confident. But I shunned it thinking it’ll go away with time. I’m someone who enjoys creativity and cannot get enough of it. I discovered this new venture that I could start and my creative juices started to flow.
Thus, my coaching business and my blog took a back seat because this new venture was time consuming. Nonetheless, I tried to manage all of it. After a few months, a thought sort of hit me that this new venture, this detour was an excuse and a distraction. Without a doubt this was a mental battle but I really had to face the situation and the facts.
Have you faced this in your work or life as well?
Has there been a time where you’ve assumed that your detour no matter how great, is a distraction or an excuse in reality?
These points can be helpful to understand.
- Timing – No matter how ambiguous, timing is extremely important and usually the key to solving most situations. Take a look at your timing, is it favouring you? Do you think this detour can wait for a later time?
- Energy – Anything that you do needs all your energy and focus. Usually when people take up a lot of tasks at once, they need to recharge their spent energy. If this energy is spent wisely it can be beneficial, if not it can be extremely stressful. Ask yourself the energy that you’re eager to spend will it be fruitful or stressful?
- Your WHY – Any goal needs to have a why question. An intention that directs you towards achieving that goal. What is your WHY of this new detour? If your WHY is convincing enough you can work on it, if it isn’t as convincing as you make it sound, try to archive this detour for a later time or day.
- Rewards or returns – Have you received the same amount of reward as the energy and time you’ve spent over time?
Sometimes a detour is just a to lead you toward something, it may not necessarily bring the results you wish it did, that’s your cue. The point is not to discard your detour but to organize it, try to be a bit practical about it and understand the benefits that are attached with it.
(P.S – Detours in this article refers to any thoughts/ideas/projects/opportunities/failures)
I hope this article would have helped you in some way. It always means a lot when I receive responses after you’ve applied these in your life. Feel free to share it with your loved ones.
Thank you for stopping by!
Pause, breathe.. dream!